Friday, 26 December 2014

A Christmas card designed, for a friend; Santa's pesky beard. 

..And another for good friend, Its a skull Krampus with festive hat(s) ;)

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Sock Monkey's incorporated: illustration.

Some illustrations based on a friends Sock Monkey's.

Mid-way through colour test.. Seeing what colours work together.

Original drawing to colour in Photoshop.

Original Sketchbook ideas/doodles/thumbnails. Working the illustration out.

More original thumbnail ideas/notes.

More Notes/Sketches.

A beautiful example of one of my friend: Karen's Sock Monkey's.

This one she made for me, I call him Kali 'after my favourite rainbow coloured sweet as a kid.' :)

And another fine example of Karen's talent. Fabulous Monkey's :)

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Using myself as a model.. :)

Quick drawing inside a friends birthday card.

Using Watercolour pencils - I indeed added colour. My friend is a super chap,
who would do anything for anyone. He loves life so much (Having suffered
much pain in his life) and never stops in his creativity. For me, this
represents everything he is - Adventurous, a risk taker, and sometimes "a bit of
a dipstick." But a warm soul - who I'm sure would survive even this!! :)

Monday, 20 October 2014

A recent piece of work by me Called; Love my Kite. Hanging on a perfectly colour co-ordinated room, of a pleased buyer... Well, Bought as a gift for a youngster, - "who I hope enjoys it very much." :)

Made for the wall I would say. Very pleased, it's the perfect spot ^^ I hope it brings a smile to whoever looks upon it. Bless you.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

A illustration done for a friend. There is a bit of an "in-joke" in this between us, But fun all the same. I Might just do some more illustrations of this Mammoth, I think he as many stories to tell.!

Sketching "thumbnail" ideas in Notebook. :)

Friday, 13 June 2014

Some artwork "illustrations" for an upcoming exhibition in Nottingham - opening friday 20th June at 6pm. 
The theme is 'Midsummer' and myself and some friends will be showcasing some of our work at the Hopkinson Gallery (Next to Nottingham Train station) all week till the 26th June.
This illustration above is called; Daisy chains, Lollipops and seaside rock. Painted in Gouache.

Two finished piece of work for the exhibit. The second illustration is simply; Flying My Kite. Its a Donkey only because I wanted in someway to pay homage to 'A MIDSUMMER NIGHTS DREAM.'

Finished drawing ready to Paint. *Note the masking tape.

Adding a nice yellow background to help frame the foreground. 

Setting the scene before adding the character.

Character ready to paint.

Almost done 'apart from Kite and flowers.'

Done and ready to place within a nice frame :-)

Bit of fun.. E "Bay." ;-)

Hand drawn. Coloured in on Photoshop.

Idea came from doodling in my little notebook, which I carry everywhere 'except the toilet.'

Saturday, 10 May 2014

 Indiana Jones on his greatest adventure.

Original Drawing on card - scanned in, ready to colour. 

Map - used for background effect.

Trying to work out angle for the Durex packet - the draw with Indy's hat.

Need I explain.. Reference image :)

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Cropped finished version. Has previous post shows rough edges. :) Studio Ghibli influenced JABBA THE HUTT & SALACIUS CRUMB. 

Sunday, 4 May 2014

 Jabba the Hutt and Salacious Crumb in a Studio Ghibli based piece!

 Original still from Totoro, a studio ghibli film. 

Original drawing/sketch.

Drawing in sketch pad - alongside images for influence and study. Plus Colouring in stage.

Monday, 31 March 2014

"STAGOSAURUS." - Painted in Gouache.
 Line drawing for Stagosaurus, before the painting process. 

I Change from children's illustration, mostly because sometimes I like to explore more and challenge myself a little more. Just personal and practice working with detail.

 Line drawing  before Paint. Gouache.

Monday, 3 March 2014

"Star" Wars. ;) Why Not!
 Original template sketch for Star Wars! Has you can see, I originally wanted Characters, but I didn't like it, so scrapped the idea. 

"Storm"troopers. :) Again, why not! The helmets are cloud like, I've always thought!

Original drawing, before coloured.
First sketch idea for Stormtroopers.. As you can see its very crude, but it can be. Its just a reminder, like a quick note! :)