Tuesday, 30 July 2013

 The skier who's rubbish. Annoyed with the rough edges, that's because my printer is PANTS. The actual piece as sharp clear lined sides.
 Drawing ready to paint.
 Mid - way.
 Original pen sketch in my notebook. I got the idea for the piece whilst out having a coffee, luckily I carry a notebook. As you can see, its more a rough reminder.
 First draft of rough sketches. Just trying to see "if" and how it could work as a single piece.
The first idea in the first place came whilst I was out having that coffee and doodling characters for inspiration.. Then I noticed "the skier" and wanted to do something with it...

Sunday, 28 July 2013

 What began has a bored Friday night Doodle, became this creation of three crazy, odd characters. At first I was going to name it: The sexy Cat legs gang, but have chosen: I love my stupid head! And its just another excuse to go mad with colour, which is the best bit :)
 Finished drawing ready to Paint :)
Mid-way through, as you can see, I work from Background to foreground, because I can build on the paint hiding untidy lines... I do enjoy a clean line, Nice and sharp.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

TOAST - A cover for an E-BOOK, about a collection of stories focusing on the uneasiness of the modern Mind/Spirit. Hence the Mad array of objects, Like a cluttered mind. Plus the confusion with the pencil, Not knowing what route to take. Its all so !!!????!!! 
Un - Titled Version. Above, and Study piece Below. Which was also my Breakfast ;)

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

 Lonely rabbit falls in love: I felt I needed to do a follow up piece to "Lonely rabbit draws a friend" piece, because that was sad. Now Lonely rabbit is NOT lonely anymore and is really very Happy with Mr Hare, and I'm sure they'll have many bunnies together! :)))) YAY
Reference material and original sketch.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Illustration CV

 Creative Illustration 'teaser' CV. You'll Notice that My number and address are blocked out. That information are for Personal Stalkers ONLY! ;)
 Sketch 'study' work in progress.
Study Sketches.